NZMSC 2017 Symposium Programme

Ralph Hotere and Hone Tuwhare, “Rain,” Richardson Building, University of Otago.

We delighted to announce the programme for the NZMSC 2017 Sympoisum, to be held at the University of Otago, Dunedin on Friday 8 September 2017 from 9:00am to 4pm. The symposium will take place in room 1W1, English and Linguistics Dept. Seminar Room, Arts Building, 95 Albany St.

The symposium includes special guest participant Rita Felski, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of English, University of Virginia, Editor of New Literary History, Niels Bohr Professor, University of Southern Denmark.

If you would like to join NZMSC or to register to attend the symposium, please complete the registration form here.

9am: coffee/welcome


9:15–10:00am: workshop of paper by Lynley Edmeades (University of Otago)

10:00–10:45am: workshop of paper by Luke Smythe (University of Otago)


11:15–12pm: workshop of paper by Rita Felski (University of Virginia; University of Southern Denmark)

12pm–12:45pm: workshop of paper Charles Ferrall (Victoria University)



Lorraine Wong (University of Otago), “Sharing Estrangement: Lu Xun’s ‘Diary of a Madman’ and its Latinized Translation”

Nicole Winsor (University of Notre Dame, Indiana), “(Post)colonial Modernism and the Case of Apirana Taylor’s Whaea Kairau: Mother Hundred Eater

Iain Sutherland (University of Otago), “O’Casey, Modernism, Popularity, and the Abbey Theatre”

Robyn Maree Pickens (University of Otago), “Joseph Beuys: Enchanter”

James Tregonning (University of Otago), “Playing Difficult Narratives”

4pm–5pm: While the formal programme concludes at 4pm, participants are invited to attend the Department of English and Linguistics seminar to be presented by Chris Prentice (University of Otago) in Castle C lecture theatre.


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